Nursing Skills Fair 1 by CCNAPI - SpeedyCourse Philippines
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Nursing procedures are constantly changing this is due to never ending discoveries in best-practice health care methods. As nurses we want to ensure that our knowledge and skills in nursing procedures are always updated. We can read a lot of them and have the knowledge but it is different if we have developed a certain level of skills acquisition, particularly in this time of new technology. For this reason CCNAPI is offering a course focusing on common nursing procedures.

This is a two-day workshop for nurses that will allow skills development on the common nursing procedures through hands-on opportunity guided by preceptors in a simulated environment.

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CRITICAL CARE NURSES ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC.(CCNAPI) is the national organization of nurses interested in the field of critical care nursing. It was founded in February 1977 with approved SEC registration (CN 200813601), a founding member of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses (2001) and accredited as a Provider of Continuing Professional Education by the Professional Regulation Commission (Provider Number 2009-019).

Being accredited as a provider of continuing educational activity CCNAPI aims to achieve excellence and pursue ongoing improvement in all its educational activity.

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